Blue light from ordinary light bulbs, TVs, computers and mobile devices suppresses the body’s melatonin production, seriously affecting sleep and health. To gain benefits the filter must be used in complete darkness or in combination with our no-blue light bulbs. These filters are intended to be used in the evening in the hours leading to bedtime. RETURNED FILTERS THAT HAVE BEEN UNPACKAGED OR USED IN ANY WAY CAN ONLY BE REFUNDED 80% OF PURCHASE COST. Velcro is provided, however, it’s mostly used to hold filters in place on larger screens and monitors. Most MacBook users find that by simply allowing these filters to rest on the unit’s hinges they may be used when needed at night without needing any velcro attachment. These filters are optimized to fit Apple’s line of MacBook computers. It’s safe to say if any shade of blue light is visible while a filter is installed, the desired amount of blue light is not being blocked.

Some of the worst offenders are those companies advertising that their products don’t alter the appearance of the screen. We’ve tested competitor’s filters & software programs and are amazed at the low amount of blue light actually being filtered meaning an exceptional level of blue light is still being transmitted. Did we mention ANYWHERE? The many knockoff filters that have made their way onto the market along with software programs that purport to block blue light, for the most part, do a very poor job attempting to do so.

LowBlueLights is proud to boast that these and every filter offered on our website are the only 100% blue-blocking filters available anywhere on the planet.