Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from 48.1 to 12.3~17.4 GB, depending on selected components).Selective Download feature: you may skip downloading and installing of credits/background videos and voice packs you don’t need.100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation (when installed with all languages).“Missing saves” workaround solution by FitGirl included For solution to work you MUST select “Saves” folder inside game’s folder on the first launch and you must run the game ONLY via desktop icon.Reconfigured FH3 CODEX crack applied over, thanks to Ston3Cold UWP launcher by Prudislav included.Based on Windows Store release: 48.1 GB, thanks to osb79.fg-selective-english.bin (Required for all languages without their own voicepack May be required for all other languages as well).fg-optional-videos.bin (Credits videos and animated menu backgrounds).You MUST download at least one of speech packs Here is the list of selective and optional files. You can skip downloading of useless trailers and voice packs you don’t need. Sims 4 Fitgirl Repacks Selective Download backup files in game folder, so they wouldn’t eat too much space Then run the game again, older working saves will be unpacked instead of the damaged ones If after some time the game will tell you that there are no saves, close it, go to your game folder, and copy some “saves.DATE_TIME.backup” to “saves.7z”.

The solution (actually pretty simple bat-file) backs up your save files from “Saves” folder after each game session and then unpacks them on the next run.For workaround solution to work you MUST select “Saves” folder inside game’s folder on the first launch Upon the first launch the game will ask you for folder to keep saves in.If the crack still doesn’t work – something is off with requirements listed above: Windows version, dev.After the crack applied, run the game ONLY via “Halo Wars 2 (Play)” icon on your desktop.